CIS is Recognized in Top 10 Identity and Access Management Solution Providers by Enterprise Security
May 31st, 2019
With over two decades of experience in the IAM sector, CIS has witnessed the evolution of the industry, from its origins where organizations were trying to relieve their workforce of time-consuming, redundant and error-prone manual tasks, to today’s growing need for regulatory
It was the last day of a rigorous two-week internal audit
at an internationally known media firm. At the end of it,
the auditors found only one problem. “The sole red flag
was that there were no red flags, which was not normal,” they reported. This outcome caught the auditors by surprise since they had found over 250 security compliance violations during a previous audit. But the situation came as no shock
to the media firm’s senior executives who had engaged the
expert services of Computer Integrated Services (CIS), a
network integration and infrastructure service provider of
identity and access management (IAM) technology.
With rapid growth over the years and
spreading its wings in the U.S. and Canada,
CIS aspires for a complete reach across the
50 states. In the coming months, CIS aims to
increase customer traction by capitalizing
on the increased migration to the cloud.
Read the full article here!